Men’s Bible Studies

Men’s Bible Fellowship

We meet on Friday mornings from 6:30 – 7:30 am in the Fellowship Hall.  We have breakfast, Bible study, and prayer time.  Being a small group there is plenty of discussion.  Please know that you will be welcome to attend.  Please contact Rev. Al Cook, our leader/teacher, for more information

Men Transformed by Samuel (MTS) Bible Study Ministry

MTS is the name of our Saturday morning Men’s Bible Study. We meet in the Fellowship Hall from 7:30 – 9:00 am on most Saturdays.  We have breakfast, fellowship, prayer, hymn-singing, and extended Bible study and discussion.   MTS is open to all men of Grace BPC – members, visitors, and/or their sons.  Young men 14 years and older are welcome to join us.  We have teenagers sitting alongside senior saints in their 80’s – all brothers in Christ, all gathered around God’s Word, all encouraging one another.  We especially encourage fathers and sons to attend and use our questions and discussions for important home-based conversations regarding the challenging issues of the Christian faith.

Currently we are studying the books of 1 & 2 Samuel (hence, our current Bible Study name – MTS).  We are in the midst of studying the highs and lows of the life of King David in 2 Samuel.  Through his life we are presented with the real-life issues all men face in their own lives and we address them head-on each week with honesty and biblical counsel during our verse-by-verse Bible studies and very interactive discussions.  Come when you can.  Please see Curtis Creath or Justin Hayes for more information.

Men’s Bible Fellowship

We meet on Friday mornings from 6:30 – 7:30 am in the Fellowship Hall.  We have breakfast, Bible study, and prayer time.  Being a small group there is plenty of discussion.  Please know that you will be welcome to attend.  Please contact Rev. Al Cook, our leader/teacher, for more information

Men Transformed by Samuel (MTS) Bible Study Ministry

MTS is the name of our Saturday morning Men’s Bible Study. We meet in the Fellowship Hall from 7:30 – 9:00 am on most Saturdays.  We have breakfast, fellowship, prayer, hymn-singing, and extended Bible study and discussion.   MTS is open to all men of Grace BPC – members, visitors, and/or their sons.  Young men 14 years and older are welcome to join us.  We have teenagers sitting alongside senior saints in their 80’s – all brothers in Christ, all gathered around God’s Word, all encouraging one another.  We especially encourage fathers and sons to attend and use our questions and discussions for important home-based conversations regarding the challenging issues of the Christian faith.

Currently we are studying the books of 1 & 2 Samuel (hence, our current Bible Study name – MTS).  We are in the midst of studying the highs and lows of the life of King David in 2 Samuel.  Through his life we are presented with the real-life issues all men face in their own lives and we address them head-on each week with honesty and biblical counsel during our verse-by-verse Bible studies and very interactive discussions.  Come when you can.  Please see Curtis Creath or Justin Hayes for more information.



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