Grace Bible Presbyterian Church is committed to the Bible, God’s perfect and believable Word, as the final authority in faith and life. Scripture is our standard as well as our joy. In the preaching and teaching ministries we are brought before God Himself and asked to view Him rightly and live in light of it. We view the faithful preaching (and hearing) of His Word as essential to growth in the Christian life. While other churches (many that use the name Presbyterian) question the Bible’s authority, look to another source of truth for guidance, or downplay the ministry of the word, we remain deliberately committed to expository preaching and teaching of the word.
Our Purpose
It is the desire of Grace Bible Presbyterian Church to see people put their trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and help them to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 3:18) This is done through worship, preaching, prayer, Bible study, service and fellowship in the local body of believers.
Grace BPC believes in the inerrancy and authority of God’s Word, the Bible, as the only rule of faith and practice for the Christian believer. The Bible is the only standard of absolute truth in the universe, which was created by the triune God. We hold to the Westminster Confession of Faith and it’s Larger and Shorter Catechisms as an expression of what the Bible teaches us to believe about God and His plan of redemption for fallen man.
Therefore, we strive to worship God in Spirit and truth, to build up the believer in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, to evangelize at home, the community, and the world, through faithful proclamation of the Gospel and to earnestly contend for the Christian faith as taught in God’s Word.