Nearly 72 years ago in 1937, the Bible Presbyterian Church began as a result of the rift created by the Modernist-Fundamentalist Dispute. The Fundamentalists were Godly men who were standing for the truths of God’s Word – contending earnestly for the faith once delivered unto the saints. There was a growing push to do away with the Fundamentals of the faith and make them “one possible” understanding of the teaching of the Bible. The men at this time determined – correctly – that without each of these “fundamentals” the heart of Christianity was ripped out. It was a denial of the very Gospel that gives life. The men who left the Presbyterian church to form a new church took with them not only the Fundamentals but their Presbyterianism and reformed heritage as well.
Today, Bible Presbyterians are a small but vigorous group of people who seek to maintain a strong connection to our Reformed and Presbyterian roots and our commitment to separate from apostasy . We also desire to faithfully minister to the Body of Christ and win souls both at home and abroad. Love of missions, evangelism, and sound Bible instruction stir the hearts of our people. The denomination approves two mission boards, and one seminary, and a publishing arm as independent agencies of the Church.
We believe Reformed doctrine is historic Christianity in its emphasis upon the sovereignty of God and trustworthiness of the Bible. It was the compromise of the truths of Scripture in the early decades of the twentieth century that led to the formation of Bible Presbyterian Church. As theological liberalism moved into Presbyterian seminaries and out into the church, it became fashionable to question or reject fundamental tenets of Christianity such as the inspiration of the Bible, the virgin birth of and deity of Christ, His supernatural works, the atonement on the cross, and even His bodily resurrection from the dead.
We believe that God has raised up this denomination to take a faithful stand for the historic Christian faith and to be a light in the darkening days of compromise and apostasy. The Bible Presbyterian Church adopted the Westminster Standards in its organizing synod held September 6-8, 1938. Year after year the BPC has reaffirmed its belief in the biblical doctrines of historic Christianity that are outlined in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms.
We are Bible Presbyterians because we believe the Bible is without error in its original text and the only divinely given and trustworthy rule of faith and practice. There are, of course, other denominations that believe the Bible, but we hold faithfulness to Christ and His Word as our primary emphasis.
The Bible Presbyterian Church is unique among American and European Reformed churches, We are free to walk under the Presbyterian principle that God is the Lord of the conscience, so our local congregations all have a flavor of their own in worship and ministry activities. The Scriptures provide our only regulations when it comes to worship. BP worship is marked by a vibrancy that comes from each communicant bringing his or her own offerings before the Lord with a full heart, within the bounds of the Word of God.
Our Lord Jesus Christ gave purpose to His Church by giving it a commission to go forth in His Name preaching the gospel, to evangelize the lost, while nurturing the saints — making disciples of all nations, defending the faith. May we bring glory to God our Father by the effective achievement of this His mission.
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